It took me a long time to learn that no one ~NO ONE~ was ever going to love me differently than I loved myself. ~Anonymous

Not Dominee’s-but a good example 🙂
I just received an email from, aka Dominee. I first learned of her last year – I have no recollection how. In any case, my introduction to her was the 2013 Self Love Planner + Workbook. It caught my eye because I love original art, and I appreciate the effort it takes for unknown artists to put their work “out there” having watched first hand the angst of my sisters-in-law and my own daughter.
It seems that the creative part comes naturally to artsy people, but the marketing is hell. My SiL once remarked, “It’s like selling one of your babies.” Ouch. (I sometimes felt like selling my babies – on occasion I might have given them away – but the feeling always passed while they napped.) In this case, a creative idea is birthed in a mysterious process I’ll never quite understand, brought to perfection with great effort, and now, has to be sold to pay for paint and brushes. Ouch and ouch.
I like to use a daily planner or journal of some sort and inevitably it becomes my external brain. I have years worth of old journals which Bill wishes to dump, to which I always reply, “I might need the information in those journals. No! They stay.” (I plan to write a book. Those journals will be vital. I’m sure of it.) Anyway, Dominee’s book caught my eye. I ordered it (it’s a pdf download) and began to use it.
The planner is colourful, engaging, and purposeful. There’s opportunity to plan for selfcare (Dominee’s main raison d’etre), dreaming, and planning. I reordered the pages a little bit to suit myself, and then had it ring bound for easy use. I love it. I’ve since purchased a few more for others, and referred clients to her site as well.

Dominee seems to have found a happy medium between her creative process and marketing her ideas to the world. Good for her, and good for us. Whether therapist, client, or self-seeker, sliding over to visit Blessing Manifesting is a worthwhile thing to do.
Go, Dominee! She’s also on Twitter @spiritblessing